Knee PainWhat is Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)?

PFPS typically presents as generalised pain at the front of the knee. It commonly occurs with activities involving weight bearing with bending and straightening of the knee. These activities include running, cycling, climbing up and down stairs or weight training. This type of injury generally comes on gradually and is not associated with a twisting mechanism.

How Does PFPS Happen?

Anything that increases the loading on the kneecap or changes the way it moves over the knee joint can contribute to patellofemoral pain. Typically a number of biomechanical factors cause the kneecap to be pulled laterally (to the outside). Instead of it sliding nicely in its groove on the femur (thigh bone) it rubs against the outside of the groove producing pain and occasionally a grinding sound known as crepitis. The biomechanical factors include bony varience, foot over pronation, weak quadriceps and hip stabilisers, tight quadriceps or ITB.

What Turr can do to Treat PFPS

  • Soft Tissue Massage to release tight muscles including the hip stabilizers, quads and ITB
  • Joint mobilization of the patella to glide it medially (towards the inside)
  • Specific Exercises to loosen or stretch tight structures and strengthen weak muscles. In this condition strengthening of the quadriceps and hip stabilizers are particularly important
  • Your therapist may utilise specialist taping techniques to help pull the patella into a better position
  • GaitScan and Orthotic prescription to control excessive pronation and align the lower limb

Suitable Products for this Condition

  • Foam Roller: Used to loosen tight muscles around the hip and knee
  • Trigger ball: Works in a similar way to foam rollers. The trigger ball is however smaller and therefore better for travelling and more aggressive than foam rollers
  • Custom-made Orthotics
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