December 15, 2020 Physiotherapy Intervention for Cervicogenic Headaches

Physiotherapy Intervention for Cervicogenic Headaches

Scientific studies show that at least 22% – 25% of adults suffer from cervicogenic headaches (CGH), with females being four times more at risk than men. The headaches are said to be triggered by musculoskeletal impairments around the neck, accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, light-headedness and suboccipital neck pain. Pain around the neck or […]

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September 11, 2020 Workplace Injury

Workplace Injury? Physiotherapy Can Offer Relief

There are millions of workers injured around the world each year. Accidents can range from falls, crushes from heavy loads, muscle and back strain, carpal tunnel, tendonitis’s and repetitive strain, amongst other conditions. You can seek some relief through various ways that include physiotherapy. Physiotherapy relaxes muscles, joints and tendons to bring some relief in […]

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August 6, 2020

Understanding and Managing Recurrent Headaches

Headaches are some of the most common pain conditions around the world. Everyone has experienced headaches at some point in their lives and about 15% of people have sought medication to relieve the pain. There are two types of headaches, primary and secondary headaches. Primary headaches come about if you have problems with your pain […]

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